Saturday, September 29, 2007

Food that leads to infertility risks

WOMEN who consume low-fat milk and yoghurt may find it harder to become pregnant, a new study has found.

A team at Harvard School of Public Health found that women who eat a lot of low-fat foods were 85 per cent more likely to suffer from a failure to ovulate.

Women who had a least one serving a day of a high-fat dairy food were 27 per cent less likely to suffer from this from of infertility than were those who consumed high-fat dairy food only once a week.

The finding suggests that the obsession with low-fat foods, driven by nutritionists trying to protect against heart disease and by consumers trying to lose weight, may have a downside.

Anovulatory infertility – the type studied here – is just one of a variety of ways in which infertility can be caused. In the population studied, it was responsible for one in eight cases of a failure to conceive.

The data comes from the Nurses’ Study, a long – running research project.


Excerpted from the New Straits Times by Nigel Hawkes, April 24,2007

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