What cause hair loss?
1) Pollution
2) Lifestyle - food, sleep
3) Job - Stress level
4) illness
5) Medication / treatment
What food should a people suffering from hair loss avoid ?
1) Chocolate
2) Fried food
3) butter
4) white sugar
5) Salty food
These food will causes the hair to be weak and brittle , as a a result hair can break and drop off easily.
By looking at the hair , you can also tell what nutrition person is lack of.
1) Lack of Calcium - Hair is course and dry
2) Lack of B-complex - Hair will turn grey then white
3) Lack of Iron, Bronze or Cobalt - Hair will turn yellow then white
4) Lack of Zinc - Bald
What nutrition do you need ?
1) Protein - Main composition of Hair
2) B-complex - Protect the nerve system of the skin, eyes, hair, liver and digestive system.
- B5, B3 &inositol directly affect the scrap and the growth of the hair.
3) Vitamin C - Improve the blood flow of the scalp thus promote healthier hair growth.
4) Vitamin E - Increase the oxygen intake by the scalp thus increasing the blood flow.
5) Zinc - Required to synthesis with protein to form a co-nutrient that is important to hair growth..
- Zinc help to maintain a healthy level of Vitamin E in the body.
- It helps to improve the immune system thus increasing the hair growth.
Korean Product for Hair
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