-For Our Future Life- Prevention is far better than cure. Often the body can reverse disease conditions if everything is in place. Your Health ....Your Decision.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Cheap or Cheat Sale
Consumers should not be taken in by the many cheap sale promotions because they can turn out to be costly.The consumer may have noticed that only one price is advertised for the products.Since there is no comparisons of old and new prices .
In order not to be taken in by any cheap sales promotion,consumers should have a good idea of the prices of the goods especially those that they regularly purchase.Then they can judge whether the sale price is a genuine discount
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Food that leads to infertility risks

WOMEN who consume low-fat milk and yoghurt may find it harder to become pregnant, a new study has found.
A team at Harvard School of Public Health found that women who eat a lot of low-fat foods were 85 per cent more likely to suffer from a failure to ovulate.
Women who had a least one serving a day of a high-fat dairy food were 27 per cent less likely to suffer from this from of infertility than were those who consumed high-fat dairy food only once a week.
The finding suggests that the obsession with low-fat foods, driven by nutritionists trying to protect against heart disease and by consumers trying to lose weight, may have a downside.
Anovulatory infertility – the type studied here – is just one of a variety of ways in which infertility can be caused. In the population studied, it was responsible for one in eight cases of a failure to conceive.
The data comes from the Nurses’ Study, a long – running research project.
Excerpted from the New Straits Times by Nigel Hawkes, April 24,2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Hyperactive kids Should Avoid Sugar

Usually hyperactive child is on medication to control his activeness. Whatever you took for overdose or for long time it should give to the health impact. You should concern about the long-term side effects.
Diet plays an important role to the child health development. Make sure you control their junk-food and the carbonated drink or can drink. All of these stuff full of artificial colorings, flavorings and of course artificial sweetener.
All of these are known to contribute to the problem……yes, one more things, medication Aspirins…..beware!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Sweetest Thing
Chocolaty cookies, cordials, ice cream ,desserts,, cakes and other delicious treats. This sweet stuff, makes our taste buds dance. But, we also know that sugar, especially in excess, has some serious drawbacks. Do you know some cookies and sweet use fake sweeteners like sucrose, saccharin, or aspartame in their preparation?........disrupted your health
If you health conscious ,always keep reading the wraps, choose up with the perfect sugar, uses 100 percent natural sugar . And the best part is, if you are willing to put up with small amount of sugar or sugar free food.
Take in moderation is the best
Friday, August 31, 2007
Using Common-sense To Avoid Accidents

Majority of women are responsible for watching over the health needs of their children, the nutritional needs of the family and responsibility for their children safety. Don’t assume when they close the door behind them their children are safe and secure. Many different types of injuries can occur in the home, they include falls, burns and cutting. Lack of awareness of put their children at risk. Small children, who are being inexperienced and curious about the world around them expose to accidents
Many common household objects, such as knife which have used almost every time at the kitchen. Put them in the safe place such as knife sheaths or drawer. Don’t leave a knife soaking in the sink.Leaving that way,It's dangerous for them.
As mother they had to teach their children how to handling the knife. If they want to hand it to someone, ask them to put it down on the table first. Let her or him to pick it up by her or himself. While talking to someone don’t holding the knife. Put it down first.
Always teach them to carry knives with cutting edge away from their bodies. If someone sharpened the knife, advise them don’t touch knife blade and if knife fall down from somewhere don’t try to catch falling knife. Let it fall freely.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sometimes it’s good….
Like a chicken sooner changes into a hen….
I found his baby buggy; of course he couldn’t fit inside…
My kid is growing fast.
I cannot get his clothes to last……
My friend who is coming to visit and she said …..
“Haven’t you grown, my goodness me!”
“You‘re taller now…Than you used to be. So fast ’”
Are that funny… Didn’t she know?
Something is wrong if a kid doesn’t grow
Sometimes it’s good to be small
And sometimes it’s good to be tall
But sometimes, I wish that he could be any size that suited him.
Yeah ...It’s normal thing. Sign of healthy kid.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
ू You Are...What You Eat!

Sometimes, it’s much easier if we just choose to EAT OUT.
Watch out... understanding, food is the key to keeping you and your family in good shape. We ourselves also will be easily influence to eat food to die. We often pay little or no attention to our eating habits. Think more closely about what you eat to get the very best out of life. Foods containing fat, sugar and salt should take in the smallest proportion in daily diet.
How? …and how they prepare the food, think for consideration. Always remember…when we eat so much of unlawful food, as you know whatever we ate, it will digest and be unite with your body system and later on it will become your flesh and blood. Without you knowing why... Your body will easily get infected by all kinds of disease and our immunity systems also are weakening day by day.
When our body is full of unlawful food, it will drive us to have bad habits and become really stubborn, hard hearted and negative thinker
Sunday, August 5, 2007
What Do You Teach Your Kid?.
Think of the future of our world. Give your family a chance to grow in a healthy environment and a much better life. Food provides the great majority of the nutrients which the human body needs to stay healthy, gives kids a fun way to learn about nutrition and the importance of the good food selection, teach them the delicious recipes.
Everyone’s circumstances are different, but the way you live has a profound influence on your health. Looking after a family, teach them how to use leisure well. Give them right sport shoes and trouser to do exercise or fun games .If not teach them with simple massage technique or buy them the suitable exercise tools. If not buy a bicycle or motorcycle, take them around to get fresh air.
At night teach them to brush their teeth with tooth brush and comb their hair...Get smart. Make sure they used the right pillow to supporting the neck and back for getting a comfortable night's rest and relaxed. Beware …you should choose the write one, nor too hard not too soft.
Choose the right color for their bed spread. Arranged their room with suitable bed style, suitable curtain design, suitable lamp design to make sure they have a good night sleep
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Food For Thought
Researcher Warns of Cancer Risk From rBGH (non-organic) Dairy Foods
CHICAGO, March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- The following was released today by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Professor Environmental Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago, School of Public Health:
As reported in a January 23, 1998 article in Science, men with high blood levels of the naturally occurring hormone insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) are over four times more likely to develop full-blown prostate cancer than are men with lower levels
While warning that increasing IGF-1 blood levels by treating the elderly with growth hormone (GH) to slow aging may increase risks of prostate cancer, the 1998 report appears unaware of the fact that the entire U.S. population is now exposed to high levels of IGF-1 in dairy products. In February 1995, the Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of unlabelled milk from cows injected with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, rBGH, to increase milk production. As detailed in a January 1996 report in the International Journal of Health Services, rBGH milk differs from natural milk chemically, nutritionally, pharmacologically and immunologically, besides being contaminated with pus and antibiotics resulting from mastitis induced by the biotech hormone.
Most critically, rBGH milk is supercharged with high levels of abnormally potent IGF-1, up to 10 times the levels in natural milk and over 10 times more potent. IGF-1 resists pasteurization and digestion by stomach enzymes and is well absorbed across the intestinal wall. Drinking rBGH milk would thus be expected to increase blood IGF-1 levels and to increase risks of developing prostate cancer and promoting its invasiveness. Apart from prostate cancer, multiple lines of evidence have also incriminated the role of IGF-1 as risk factors for breast, colon, and childhood cancers.
16 AUGUST 2002 The University of Sydney News - Volume 34 No 13
Trade pressures will force the Australian agricultural industry to abandon practices which promote "superbugs" – diseases resistant to antibiotics, according to Associate Professor Peter Collignon from the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney's Canberra Clinical School.
Delivering a Faculty of Medicine Dean's lecture last week, Dr Collignon traced a range of evidence linking the use of antibiotics in animals to the increasing resistance humans are showing to antibiotics. He argued that much of this use had minimal, if any, benefits for animals, and was indefensible in the light of the importance of antibiotics for fighting disease in humans.
While acknowledging that resistance has been a problem since antibiotics were first used, and saying that medical practitioners had a duty to minimize their use, Dr Collignon said there was no doubt that resistant bacteria can come across the food chain.
The continuous in-feed use of antibiotics began in agriculture in the early 1950s, especially in the pig, poultry, cattle and aquaculture industries. Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem around the world, and is exacerbated by international travel. Already, treatment is very difficult – and sometimes impossible – for people with infections caused by acinetobacter, Staph aureus, pneumococcus, E coli, and enterococcus. "While most of these resistant bacteria are human in origin, a number of them such as enterococcus, E. coli and salmonella, can be spread via the food chain," Dr Collignon said.
"Since a related antibiotic is now being used in human medicine we wish to avoid any likelihood of antibiotic resistance developing and affecting people," he said in a statement. "Cancelling its use as a growth promotion in animals is the way to do this." There have been growing concerns that the use of certain antibiotics, particularly in the chicken industry, is leading to antibiotic resistance in human patients. Virginiamycin is most commonly used by the chicken and pork industries to boost growth in animals.
Of particular concern is the rise of the "superbug" known as VRE, vancomycin resistant enterococcus, which is extremely difficult and costly to treat.
Dr Collignon also opposes the use in animals of "last line" antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones. "If resistance to them develops there may be no other antibiotics available to treat serious infections in people," he said.
(FDA Consumer magazine January-February 2001)
Poultry growers use fluoroquinolone drugs to keep chickens and turkeys from dying from Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection, a disease that they could pick up from their own droppings. But the size of flocks precludes testing and treating individual chickens--so when a veterinarian diagnoses an infected bird, the farmers treat the whole flock by adding the drug to its drinking water. While the drug may cure the E. coli bacteria in the poultry, another kind of bacteria--Campylobacter--may build up resistance to these drugs. And that's the root of the problem.
People who consume chicken or turkey contaminated with fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter are at risk of becoming infected with a bacteria that current drugs can't easily kill. Campylobacter is the most common bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It's estimated to affect over 2 million persons every year, or 1 percent of the population.
Commonly found in chickens, Campylobacter doesn't make the birds sick. But humans who eat the bacteria-contaminated birds may develop fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. In people with weakened immune systems, Campylobacter can be life-threatening. Eating undercooked chicken or turkey, or other food that has been contaminated from contact with raw poultry, is a frequent source of Campylobacter infection. Not washing utensils, countertops, cutting boards, sponges, or hands after coming into contact with raw poultry can also spread the bacteria and cause infection. People infected with Campylobacter may be prescribed a fluoroquinolone--which may or may not work.
Pelajarilah keadaan ini ,natural food banyak kebaikan.Ayam dan lembu yang dipelihara secara biasa lebih terjamin mutunya.Ayam diternak secara komersial memang disuntik untuk menjamin pertumbuhan ayam itu sendiri. Bergantung kepada penternak itu sendiri ,jika hatinya suci dan sentiasa mengigati setiap pekerjannya dihisab ,mereka tidak akan berani menjualkan hasil ternakan yang boleh mudaratkan orang yang membeli lantaran lebihan ubat atau tempoh rehat selepas disuntik mencukupi masa. Begitu juga dengan penanaman sayuran dan buah2an . Sekiranya ada rasa tanggungjawab semuanya terjamin selamat dan diberkati Allah.
Makan dirumah menjadikan kita peka terhadap bahan makanan .Sikap suka makan di luar seringkali menjadi punca permasalahan kesihatan. Tidak dinafikan makan di luar adalah cara paling mudah untuk menikmati hidangan yang enak dan menyelerakan tetapi kesedapan sebenarnya mampu menjadi `racun’ kepada kesihatan.
Ramuan untuk penyediaan makanan adalah di luar pengetahuan pengguna tentang status halal dan juga mutunya yang boleh menimbulkan tanda tanya kepada pengguna. Ramuan dalam masakan yang sebenarnya boleh memudaratkan seperti penggunaan serbuk perisa, pewarna, minyak low quality ,mungkin terdapat lebihan gula dan garam dalam masakan akan menjejaskan kesihatan ..
Langkah terbaik untuk menjaga kesihatan di peringkat awal ini adalah amalan menyediakan atau memasak juadah hasil air tangan sendiri. Sedikit sebanyak ia juga dapat memberi kepuasan serta menjamin kebersihan, lantas kesihatan sekeluarga dapat dipelihara.Makanan lebih berkat kerana semasa membasuh amalan membaca Selawat dibuat dan membaca Bismillah setiap kali melakukan apa saje pergerakan didapur.
Watch out your food!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Kebersihan Satu Keutamaan
MENJAGA kebersihan adalah amalan terpenting dalam kehidupan seharian. Kebersihan menjadi manifestasi keteguhan iman seseorang kepada Allah SWT.Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Kebersihan itu sebahagian daripada iman.”
Dalam konteks kebersihan diri, bukan hanya setakat kebersihan luaran, tetapi merangkumi kebersihan hati nurani. Bebas daripada perkara2 yang boleh membawa kepada bahaya dan dosa termasuk perbuatan mensyirikkan Allah.Sebagai hamba Allah, kita hendaklah mengabdikan diri kepadaNya setulusnya.
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang yang banyak bertaubat dan mengasihi orang-orang yang sentiasa mensucikan diri.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 222)
Kebersihan hati , bermula daripada permakanan kita .Apa yang dimakan akan membentuk peribadi kita. Awasilah agar makanan yang dimakan adalah bersih daripada segi fizikal,iaitu bersih dari bahan tercemar seperti bahan pengawet, sakibaki racun serangga yang disembur pada sayuran dan buah2an .Keadaan atau rupa bentuk bahan makanan itu sendiri mestilah masih segar dan meyakinkan kita bahawa apa yang dimakan nanti akan memberi manaafaat kepada tubuh.
Sebelum meyediakan makanan , jaga kebersihan diri, barang2 penyediaan makanan, persekitaran dan air yang diguna mestilah bersih.Mengabaikan kebersihan bermakna kita dengan sengaja mengundang pelbagai penyakit seperti cirit-birit dan keracunan makanan.
Sumber makanan itu mestilah bersih dari kontek rohnya .Dibeli atau didapati dengan cara yang dianjurkan ,halal.Kebersihan itu melambangkan keteguhan iman seseorang kepada Allah.